Expressive movement unit 5
Scene: Recruitment selection*
Number: 05
Individual analysis: Gung Ho!*
Timecode start: 00:12:42:00
Timecode end: 00:13:18:07
Year of origin: 1943
However it is the track-ins and the cuts from medium shots to close-ups that are decisive in this unit. As dynamic forms of aggressiveness and growing intensity these act as a generation of the will to fight which is detached from references to the individual figures and their facial expression through fades and thus becomes a cinematic expression of the desire to fight.
The succession of statements and musical passages present themselves as a miniature of the affective structure of address and mobilization: from mourning (Pearl Harbor and strings) and anti-fascist pathos (“This fight...” and somber brass) back to mourning (Manila and strings) and the desire to fight (“I haven’t been in a fight, yet” and high bugle calls) culminating in racism (“I just don’t like Japs” and a prolonged chord).