Expressive movement unit 5

Scene: Radio station raid*
Number: 05
Individual analysis: Gung Ho!*
Timecode start: 01:07:29:19
Timecode end: 01:09:41:23
Year of origin: 1943
The battle is staged as a spatial dissociation that negates vectors of movement. Composed of roaring volleys of ammunition and screams, and changing camera movements and framings, the perspective of the small picture becomes a direct sensory experience in which at first seemingly arbitrary figurations of movement form an image of ecstasy.
The structuring principle is an increasingly accelerated change in movements and counter-movements in the course of an increasingly dense battle. This is supported by the camera movements, the direction of the shots and the disassociated screams. This figuration of excess is reduced at the end of the EMU to an elegiac image of mourning: a quiet taps leads out of the unit accompanied by a fade-out and fade-in that provide the bridge to the next EMU.