Expressive movement unit 3

Scene: Departure and evacuation*
Number: 03
Individual analysis: Gung Ho!*
Timecode start: 01:17:49:01
Timecode end: 01:18:15:08
Year of origin: 1943
The interplay of camera and sound design intensifies the contemplative remembrance of the victims and imbues it with meaning as the fundament of a newly won democratic order.
The first shot takes up the motif of the evacuation of the wounded, whereby the direction of the pan and the progressive depth of field in the jungle create a circle that links to the opening of the scene (> EMU 1). At the same time, an auditory change from the Colonel’s voice back to the voice-over opens new spaces for the creation of semantic meaning. A prolonged shot visually underlines the pathos of the authoritative voice-over: the camera pans over the soldiers’ graves and frames a single recruit who steps up to the graves of the fallen to mourn them. Somber string passages intensify the remembrance of the heroic sacrifice of these victims of war until a second soldier steps into the frame and again prompts departure.
Similar to an epilogue that gives shape, by means of a concrete example, to the governing series of events—moment of rest, receiving orders, departure—in this unit the mourning in the final image of remembrance turns towards the future-oriented determination of the surviving soldiers.