Expressive movement unit 2

Scene: Victory speech and commemoration of the victims*
Number: 02
Individual analysis: Gung Ho!*
Timecode start: 01:20:59:12
Timecode end: 01:22:29:24
Year of origin: 1943
Through the interplay of the shot composition and the sound design the image is created of readiness for battle as an appeal.
This image is characterized by a dual staging of togetherness. Through a combination of a zoom out and the choreographed movement of the characters, a tableau is created on the level of shot composition that a) creates an image of nearness through the framing, b) conveys unity through the merging of uniforms and c) puts Colonel Thorwald at the center of this arrangement.
On the other hand, the progression from medium long shot to close-up and back to medium long shot is a movement that stresses the togetherness of the close-up. This movement correlates with the auditory dynamic. At the beginning of Thorwald’s speech in medium long shot, harmonious strings begin to play. At the highpoint of the close-up—the direct address of the camera that makes the viewers the addressees of the speech—a hum is added to the strings that is revealed as singing in the course of the speech. The singing then becomes a full choir at the end of the appeal. This choral song directly connects Thorwald’s appeal to a form of community that can be experienced sensuously.