Rescue in the desert*
Classification in categories
- Battle and nature
- Suffering / victim / sacrifice
An image of despair and salvation is staged in the interplay of sound design and shot composition in a series of varying temporalities.
In the dramaturgical structure of the film, this scene is between an image of sacrifice (> "Waco in the desert / Sacrifice in the ruins") and an image of salvation (> "Miracle water for weapons"). An image of cathartic salvation is developed in a movement divided into two phases, each staging its own mode of temporality. (> ABE 1).
The flat planes of the first phase remove any implication of the temporality of a space of action; the repeated, transposed fragments of a melody create the paradox of a dynamic outside of time. This paradox culminates in the aimless movement of trickling sand, forming a motif of despair.
The second phase temporarily lifts this atemporality. The introduction of loud brass instruments creates a musical theme in the fullest sense of the word. Its melodic temporality links to spatial opening in a new shot. As regards the collision of two different modes of temporality, this second phase becomes an image of salvation from the previously staged lack of direction or hope. JHB