Expressive movement unit 1
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Movie: Bataan*
Scene: March across the bridge*
Number: 01
Individual analysis: Bataan*
Timecode start: 00:04:53:12
Timecode end: 00:05:26:26
Year of origin: 1943
Processing: 00:04:53:12
The roar of the airplanes recedes to become a quiet, far-away drone. On the visual level as well, calm and relaxation return: the fast edits are replaced by prolonged shots. The camera focuses on the three soldiers from the first scene: Feingold, Dane and a third man. They are lying on their bellies under a truck, getting up out of the dust. They get up slowly, the camera tilts a bit upwards. On the boxes on the truck the writing “High Explosive" can be read before the three men read it. They turn simultaneously towards the truck, their movements slow, they freeze tensely and then glance at each other knowingly and smiling. The simultaneous resumption of movement now show relaxed, relieved gestures: a quiet laugh, casually dusting off clothes and the contemplative stroke of a beard with a hand together create an ensemble, a group body.
Scene: March across the bridge*
Number: 01
Individual analysis: Bataan*
Timecode start: 00:04:53:12
Timecode end: 00:05:26:26
Year of origin: 1943
Processing: 00:04:53:12
They walk around the truck, a young soldier is about to light a cigarette. In the background a house is burning, loud flickering and crackling wood can be heard. The comic scene is repeated: Feingold points to the writing and grins, amiably making the oblivious soldier aware of the explosive cargo. While in the first shot the viewers knew about the explosives while the three stood by unaware, this knowledge is now connected to the knowledge held by the three characters, creating a shared experience. The opening camera movement, the surprise about their luck in the face of danger, is echoed in this scene. The moment of initiation is acted out in this expressive movement unit as a comic subplot.