German title: BataanGenre: Kriegsfilm
Director: Tay Garnett
Year: 1943
Length: 01:54:26:00
Language: Englisch
- Attack on the refugee trek*
- March across the bridge*
- The Sergeant and his squad*
- Demolition preparations*
- Bridge demolition*
- The Captain / first victim*
- Funeral*
- Second Address / The Sergeant and his family*
- Sounds from the radio*
- Death in a palm tree*
- To the weapons and battle*
- Ducks in a shooting gallery*
- Exhaustion*
- The sword in the fog*
- The caring father*
- Cook versus airplane*
- Scarecrow*
- Death from malaria*
- Exhaustion and the cared-for father*
- Battle and failed flight*
- Kamikaze*
- Conversation in the break*
- Close combat*
- Exhaustion and wounds*
- The commonly written letter and the killed sailor
- Todd's death
- Last man fighting*
> Diagram of the temporal arrangement of the pathos scenes in the film