Expressive movement unit 2

Scene: March across the bridge*
Number: 02
Individual analysis: Bataan*
Timecode start: 00:05:26:26
Timecode end: 00:07:03:05
Year of origin: 1943
With a cut to the three soldiers, the motif of suffering (melancholy quiet strings and deep bass notes, the improvised field hospital with cots set up among ruins) is pushed to the background. The scene now stages the spatial separation of the sexes, which takes place in steps. While in the previous shots men and women were shown together in one image, these edits frame the four men together. Then Dane can be seen, who leaves the frame into off-screen and in the next shot comes in from off-screen. He helps the nurse, who has been left alone in the shot, into the ambulance. Moving his hands carefully he helps her and her luggage into the car and closes the door. The entire time she gazes fixedly off-screen, her line of sight points towards the direction of the three soldiers. The shot is prolonged and holds back the reverse shot for a while, explicitly pausing the continuation of the woman's gaze as well as the plot and the casual movement of the hands. Then the car, on which USA is written, turns off from the linearity of the street, the woman sitting in it.
A reverse shot shows Lassiter, his line of sight connects his brooding facial expression to the ambulance driving off-screen.