Expressive movement unit 1

Scene: The Captain / first victim*
Number: 01
Individual analysis: Bataan*
Timecode start: 00:21:50:13
Timecode end: 00:22:06:05
Year of origin: 1943
The changing volume of the sound events and the movement of the figures within the shot always mesh; in image and sound an audiovisual dynamic unfolds. The starting point of this dynamic is a long shot of Captain Lassiter slowly walking. The steady pace is underlined by the corresponding pan. This movement is interrupted by an off-screen shot that acts as the start signal for a rising and falling dynamic of the audiovisual image: Quickly, one after another, the soldiers appear next to Lassiter’s collapsing figure. This short choreography of disorder and coming together has an auditory echo in the opening machine gun fire and Sergeant Dane’s cries before the noise abates and the image stands still. This interplay of audio and visual composition creates a temporal image of a suddenly rising and falling unrest.
The threatening dimension of this unrest on the narrative level is reflected in character constellation and gesture. Quickly pulling individual soldiers together into a group, the long shot that finally frames this group closely and the ducked positions of the characters themselves are a staging that allows the viewer to experience the pressure the group is under.