Expressive movement unit 2

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Movie: Bataan*
Scene: To the weapons and battle*
Number: 02
Individual analysis: Bataan*
Timecode start: 00:41:31:05
Timecode end: 00:43:05:06
Year of origin: 1943

A change of camera range marks the transition from EMU 1 to the next unit, supported by a short break in the dialogue. In contrast to the preceding movement, propelled by Sergeant Dane’s orders, a calm discussion between Dane and Todd is shown, characterized by a slow tempo and long pauses. This conveys a grouping of Sergeant Dane and Todd, in contrast to the other soldiers who are already scattered outside the frame.

In the interplay of character choreography with acting and camera movements, the cohesion of the group in a military operation is staged in a long shot; this unfolds in particular in Sergeant Dane's choreographed movement along a path during a personal inspection of the soldiers’ positions. The distance between Sergeant Dane and Todd while walking illustrates the parallel development of the process of group cohesion in the creation of the squad in operation.

Sergeant Dane’s movement – shown in a single prolonged shot with parallel tracking movements from left to right and back and left again – comes together with Todd’s movement in the course of the shot. At each position, Dane stops shortly and immediately starts moving again. The longer this goes on, the more the tension builds. After Dane and Todd together go to the left, ducking down, they pause when they reach a spot in the middle of the foliage. This short break anticipates a hesitant approach and fearful expectation. translation missing: en.icon_seitenanfang