Expressive movement unit 3

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Movie: Bataan*
Scene: To the weapons and battle*
Number: 03
Individual analysis: Bataan*
Timecode start: 00:43:05:06
Timecode end: 00:46:00:12
Year of origin: 1943

This scene stages the building of tension through increasing eerie horror and a short moment of relaxation realized shortly before a grenade is thrown after reaching the destination. This is conveyed through the interplay of shot composition with character choreography within a prolonged shot and with sound design, whereby the path to the cliff is stretched in time and the path into the jungle becomes darker and more tangled. The vibrating music develops in three phases from constant movement, to the creation of more dynamic, to tension. It marks in particular the transition of the affective quality, which develops from fearful expectation into horror.

Dane’s and Todd’s long, ducked, walking movement down to the cliff, hindered by trees or rocks along the path, is shown in a length that seems protracted. The protracted duration of the action creates tension, especially when a stone falls from a cliff because of Todd’s carelessness and the noise echoes loudly through the night, whereby the music changes its key. The following sequence of close-ups of soldiers staring fearfully increases the tension. This long duration, that seems even longer during the descent, is furthermore fraught with obstacles that make the path seem even more burdensome. The protracted path through the natural landscape, close to the faceless enemy, creates tension in the nocturnal landscape of horror.

When however they together reach their destination close to the cliff's edge and prepare to throw the grenades, there is a short relaxation realized by the joking between Dane and Todd. translation missing: en.icon_seitenanfang