Expressive movement unit 2
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Movie: Bataan*
Scene: Ducks in a shooting gallery*
Number: 02
Individual analysis: Bataan*
Timecode start: 00:50:03:28
Timecode end: 00:52:10:06
Year of origin: 1943
The interplay of acting and sound design as well as editing stages a gradual unrest created by the character constellation surrounding "Yankee" Salazar. This character’s appearance and later disappearance acts as a catalyst for the dissolution of the group. Scene: Ducks in a shooting gallery*
Number: 02
Individual analysis: Bataan*
Timecode start: 00:50:03:28
Timecode end: 00:52:10:06
Year of origin: 1943
The plan of the Filipino-American character Salazar, to visit General McArthur and put in a personal request for reinforcements, is staged as a shot/reverse shot dialogue between Salazar and Dane. Salazar’s costume during this exchange: his sweaty torso (emphasized by the lighting) covered in mud and his short loincloth, as well as his smile and strong accent all underscore the “senselessness” of his plan, also highlighted by Dane’s body language – he does not look directly at Salazar and instead searches for his cigarette while talking, signalizing that he does not take him seriously.
The soldiers, each first shown in a medium close shot, all also express their opinion after Salazar becomes louder, creating turmoil. Todd’s cynical comment finally provokes a fight with Hardy, who disagrees, while Salazar steals away unnoticed (supported by the framing). After Sergeant Dane breaks up the fight, they notice that Salazar has left the group when Dane turns around. This moment is marked by the onset of music, which gives form to the growing fear caused by the turmoil.