The caring father*
Classification in categories
- Transition between two social systems
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Movie: Bataan*
Number: 15
Individual analysis: Bataan*
Timecode start: 00:56:51:21
Timecode end: 00:58:10:00
Year of origin: 1943
In the interplay of character constellation together with acting and shot composition the image of a military body that threatens to gradually fall apart both physically and mentally is staged. Dane's choreography – walking in and out of the two spaces – divides the scene into two expressive movement units in which the figure is set in relation to the bodily movements of the other members of the group and interacts with them. The voice marks the figure on the one hand as the authoritative head of the group who regulates its movements, on the other hand functions as an illustration of the status and state of the group. On the level of shot composition the figure is first positioned alone opposite the soldiers standing in a diagonal line and thus acts as a caring father (>EMU 1). As the light becomes darker and the camera range changes to medium close ups, in EMU 2 finally an equally intimate and dark space is created for a dialogue between Dane and Bently. In this image space the figure of Dane acts as a worried father (>EMU 2). HJC
Number: 15
Individual analysis: Bataan*
Timecode start: 00:56:51:21
Timecode end: 00:58:10:00
Year of origin: 1943
Expressive movement units
01 02Materials about the scene
Position of the scene in the film