Preparation to land, landing*

Classification in categories

  • Transition between two social systems
  • Formation of a group body (corps)
  • Battle and nature


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Movie: Gung Ho!*
Number: 13
Individual analysis: Gung Ho!*
Timecode start: 00:47:12:02
Timecode end: 00:51:57:11
Year of origin: 1943

Through the interplay of the shot composition with the sound design and the camera, an image is staged of apprehension and increasing anticipation in the process of landing, effectuated on the one hand as a form of contraction and on the other hand through prolonged duration. The landing is staged as an expanding movement of the tense squad from the narrow submarine to the broad expanse of land – like  an explosion. In this way the tension built up to this point is discharged.

On the dramaturgical level, this scene is between the strengthening of solidarity within the unit (> “Attack on the submarine”) and the military battle (> "Jungle battle and the machine gun nest"). The process of landing is thus marked as an increase of pressure which “explodes” in the battle to follow.

In the beginning, an image is developed of increasing readiness for battle in the form of contraction and the dissociation from outside, staged through the interplay of camera and dialogue. The series of images—the submarine emerges, the destination is shown framed by binocular lenses, Colonel Thorwald gives an address—creates tension before the action through editing and music (> EMU 1). This tension now unfolds in the interaction between sound design—voice-over and music—and camera. The soldiers, who until now have been in close quarters in the submarine, are sorted into many small boats and scattered. This expanding movement of the squads has however only one direction and is powerfully pushed forward after the landing. (EMU 2)    HJC

Expressive movement units

01 02 

Materials about the scene

    Position of scene in film


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