Expressive movement unit 3

After Dane leaves the scene, the dynamic of his tour (> EMU 2) gives way to a moment of standstill. The continuation of the musical theme transitions to a different audiovisual figuration. A prolonged, static frontal medium close shot shows Purckett and Salazar; the rising and falling strings now contrast with the static of the image, which underscores its length. The motif of unrest is transferred to inner tension, conveyed as a literal tension in the asynchronous dynamic of image and sound.
When Purckett leaves the frame this tension ends—the renewed visual movement now corresponds with a change in the musical theme. The medium close up of Purckett and Dane that follows is now accompanied by a clearly melodic string and brass melody that, on the one hand, supports the more relaxed gestures and movements of the characters and also announces the motif of mourning to follow (> EMU 4, > "Funeral").