Expressive movement unit 4

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Movie: Bataan*
Scene: The Captain / first victim*
Number: 04
Individual analysis: Bataan*
Timecode start: 00:24:58:27
Timecode end: 00:26:52:02
Year of origin: 1943

In the interplay of the music with the shot composition and facial expressions, an image of contemplative mourning unfolds.

A cut to a medium long shot marks a new change in the staging. The funeral preparations staged as a tableau are now accompanied by a new musical theme – a slow, deep string melody. This and the dark shadows lead from the previous moment of relaxation (> EMU 3) to an image of mourning. The culmination is Bentley’s announcement that Captain Lassiter was married.

This news leads to a medium shot of Dane and Bentley in which music and facial expressions stage commemoration; a motif of contemplative mourning is created by the continuation of the string melody and lengthy pauses in their conversation.

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